Electronic Keyboard / GRADE 7

  • Technical Work:​​​
  1. C, Eb, F#, & A  Major, C Major Scale in legato thirds and C, Eb, F#  and A Minor (Harmonic and Melodic) Scale with metronome (Crotchet = 130), two octave, legato and mf, (hands together)
  2. Blues Scale starting on B and Bb (Two Octave) (Right hand only) (straight and swung rhythm)
  3. Major Pentatonic scale starting on Eb and A (Hands seperately) (Two Octave) (straight and swung rhythm)
  4. Chromatic scale in similar motion starting on any white note. (Hands together) (Two Octave)
  5. Chords of C, Eb, F# and A major, C, Eb, F# and A minor in all inversions. L.H. only.
  6. Chords of C7, Eb7, F#7, A7 diminished, C, Eb, F#, A Augmented, C9, Eb9, F#9, A9 in root position only (bass note in the left hand and the chord in the right hand)
  7. Perfect and Plagal cadence in A Major and C Minor, hands together.
  • Pieces of Grade 7
  • Sight Reading 
  • Aural
  • Imporovisation
  • Musical Knowledge