Electronic Keyboard / GRADE 6

  • Technical Work:​​​
  1. D, F, Ab & B Major and D, F, G# and B Minor (Harmonic and Melodic) Scale with metronome (Crotchet = 120), two octave, legato and mf, (hands together)
  2. Blues Scale starting on D and E (Two Octave) (Right hand only) (straight and swung rhythm)
  3. Major Pentatonic scale starting on D and Ab (Hands seperately) (Two Octave) (straight and swung rhythm)
  4. Chromatic scale in similar motion starting on any black note. (Hands together) (Two Octave)
  5. Chords of D, F, Ab and B major, D, F, G# and B minor in all inversions. L.H. only.
  6. Chords of D, F, G# and B diminished and Dm7, Fm7, G#m7, Bm7, Dmaj7, Fmaj7, Abmaj7, Bmaj7 in root position only (bass note in the left hand and the chord in the right hand)
  7. Plagal cadence in D and F major
  • Pieces of Grade 6
  • Sight Reading 
  • Aural
  • Imporovisation
  • Musical Knowledge