Plectrum Guitar / GRADE 7

  • Technical Work:
  1. ​Tonal/model centres E and G (three octaves) Eb and C (two octaves) The major Scale, The harmonic minor scale, The melodic minor scale, The mixolydian scale(two octave), The blues scale(two octave), The major arpeggio, The minor arpeggio, The dominant seventh starting and finishing on the selected tonal centres (Ex: starting on E to form the dominant 7th of A major) with metronome (crotchet = 118), arpeggios with metronome ( crotchet = 90) p, mf and f
  2. A major 7th arpeggio to 12th in above mentioned Tonal/modal centres. with metronome (crotchet = 90)
  3. Cadances: Fmin7sus4 - Bb9 - Eb6/9, Am9 - D13 - Gmaj7, Dmin7b5 - G7 - Cm7, Fmaj7 - Dm7 - Gm7 - C9 - Fmaj7
  • Pieces of Grade 7
  • Sight Reading 
  • Aural
  • Imporovisation
  • Musical Knowledge