Piano / Dynamic Junior Pianist

Dynamic Junior Pianist

Dynamic Junior Pianist is a revolutionary piano program for students aged 4.5 to 15 years. Built around the concept of integrating various international music examination syllabus into a systematic piano teaching method.
•    Focus on an all round musical development, including repertoire work, playing technique, scales, sight reading, aural training and music theory.
•    Individual class plans charted out for each session. Required practice and homework are treated as an integral part of the learning system.
•    Concepts are taught through activities and practical work that are constant innovated upon by the faculty and ensuring each student learns through the most up to date mechanism possible.
•    Constant feedback and reporting on every student on a per session basis including objective grading as well as subjective teacher feedbacks.
•    Focus on using technology as a teaching aid for multiple sections, including repertoire, sight reading and aural training.
•    Class recital and testing is integrated into the curriculum as part of a student’s quarterly learning goals.

