Electronic Keyboard / GRADE 2

  • Technical Work:​​​
  1. Bb & D Major and G & B Minor (Natural, Harmonic and Melodic) Scale with metronome (Crotchet = 80), two octave, legato and mf, (hands together)
  2. Pentatonic scale starting on Bb and D (Two Octave) (hands seperately)
  3. A Harmonic Minor Contarary motion scale (Hands together) (One Octave)
  4. Chromatic scale in similar motion starting on Bb (Hands together) (One Octave)
  5. Triad of Bb & D major , G & B minor, Bb7 & D7 (root position, first & second  inversion) (Left hand only)
  • Pieces of Grade 2
  • Sight Reading 
  • Aural
  • Imporovisation
  • Musical Knowledge