Piano / Dynamic Little Pianist

Dynamic Little Pianist

Dynamic Little Piano Program is a music apprciation and encouragement program for ages 3.5 to 5 years. It is a comprehensive approach to music learning that develops singing, movement and listening skills with an itroduction to musical style and concepts. Students have an excellent sense of pitching and rhythm at the end of the program along with a basic intoduction to the piano that enables them to make a seamless transition into piano playing.


(1) â€‹Musical concepts like high and low sounds, tempo of music, rhythm patterns, types of notes, building of music patterns, solfege, the basic of reading music, dance styles and history of music are introduced in each lessons.

(2) These concepts are introduced using various characters like Beethoven Bear, Mozart Mouse and help in understanding their importance in western music.

(3) All classes involve multiple activities like singing, story telling, dancing, drawing and much more.

(4) Various instruments like rhythm sticks, xylophones, tambourines, triangles and hand drums are played by the students so that they learn about concepts in a practical environment.

(5) Students are required to perform regularly for parents and friends through recital day and the Dynamic Music Events and Concerts.

(6) Regular feedback is given to parents through Parent Notes and Homework. Parents are encouraged to sit in class as much as possible to their children and understand the concepts they learn as well.

Age Group: 

3.5 to 5 years

